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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Crazy diet ways

Crazy diet ways

Whether it’s due to impatience, desperation, or even a mental disorder such as anorexia and bulimia, some people will go to whatever lengths necessary to shed a couple extra pounds. Unfortunately, a lot of diet fads can cause more harm than good. Here are crazy ways people try to stay thin.

    1.    The cotton ball diet - This diet involves soaking cotton balls in water or juice and eating them to trick the body into think you’ve eaten. In reality, this does little to trick the body, and the cotton wool can collect in the intestinal track to cause severe pain and discomfort.

    2.    The spoon diet - This is a diet program  which you may only eat foods which can be eaten with a spoon. The goal is limit your calories and stick to healthy foods such as soups and yogurts, but most people just end up eating pudding all day and getting nowhere

   3.   The Cabbage Soup Diet-  The cabbage soup diet became popular in the 1990’s as a way to quickly lose weight. While on this diet, you will likely be taking in fewer than 1000 calories a day , so any sort of physical activity or exercise will be nearly impossible.

  4.    Drunkorexia- is basically cutting calories from food and replacing them with alcohol. Drinking to maintain body weight is almost never a good idea, and it can lead to serious health problems down the road.

    5.      Baby Food Diet- baby food typically ranges from 20 to 100 calories, it isn’t hard to see why eating a couple jars each day in place of a regular meal will cause people to shed weight rather quickly. However, eating baby food can often result in nutritional imbalances for adults, and you may struggle to get the right amount of proteins, fibers, and other important minerals out of your foods.

    6.      Sleeping Beauty Diet -The sleeping beauty diet suggests that whenever you begin to get cravings just pop some sleeping pills and pass out for a couple of days. While it’s true that when you’re sleeping you can’t eat but this  can cause your muscles to atrophy, your body to become dehydrated, and there is a high possibility of overdosing on the dangerous medication.

    7.     Air diet- It  known as “l’air fooding,”popular in France,  the air diet is basically a fancy term for starving yourself. However, in an attempt to trick your brain into thinking it has eaten, you must still go through the motions of preparing a meal, setting the table, and smelling the food.

   8.    The Tapeworm Diet- Literally growing a tapeworm in your lower intestines, the tapeworm diet involves ingesting a real tapeworm and letting it grow inside your body where it will feast on anything you eat. In case you are crazy enough to even consider this diet, just remember that they can cause lasting health problems, grow to over 30 feet long, and sometimes don’t want to come out.

  9.   Urine Injections -Injecting your body with the urine of a pregnant woman may seem ridiculous. The urine contains a hormone known as chorionic gonadotropin which can trick the human brain into believing that it’s pregnant, thus increasing metabolism speed and burning calories faster than usual.

  10.  Gummy Bear Cleanse- While gummy bears aren’t usually considered a diet food, the sugar-free variety contain an interesting ingredient known as lycasin, a potent laxative. The cleansing process is simple: just ingest roughly a dozen of the gummy bears and wait, the results will be explosive.

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